32 is a series of little autobio comics about life, cats, and whatever's in between.
I'm not 32. I'm actually 36. I know, that's confusing. I'll explain eventually.
32 is sustained by the generosity of readers who send me small donations via Patreon, and is hosted ad-free thanks to the kindness of Hiveworks.
For as little as $1 per month, you can access the extra, slightly-more-personal strips that I don't post here. (Here's a list of them!)
My other webcomic, Girls With Slingshots, ran from 2004 to 2015 and was sustained by merchandise and ad sales over those eleven years. I've decided to clear this new comic's home of distracting ads and focus on what you're here for, which I presume is the comics. (If you're here for the ads, sorry to disappoint you!)
If you'd like to read more about ethical design, I recommend articles & interviews by Tristan Harris, or give his TED talk a listen.
32 doesn't update on a schedule, but I'll try to make a new one every week, and an extra one for Patreon patrons every month!
Danielle Corsetto
1981 -
hair subject to change
2007 -
spots subject to change
2007 - 2017
actually loved belly rubs
Other places I yap about my dumb life and other stuff: Twitter, Instagram, and my newsletter, which is just an extra monthly comic telling you what's up in my comics-life.
I practically never respond to e-mail, so let's just ignore that option.
You can also visit my store here.
All 32 strips are made by hand on paper, and slightly tweaked in Photoshop.
I guarantee there's white-out on every page.